James J Crist
From a dread of spiders to panic attacks, kids have worries and fears, just like adults. This is a book kids can turn to when they need advice, reassurance, and ideas. They'll find out where fears and worries come from, practice Fear Chasers and Worry Erasers, and learn to seek help for hard-to-handle fears they can't manage on their own.
Everyone feels "down" sometimes. Who wouldn't feel blue if their best friend moved away or if they were being teased or bullied in school? Counselor and clinical psychologist James J. Crist has written a book that kids can turn to for support, encouragement, and ideas for coping when they feel bad, sad, grumpy, or lonely. Kids learn 10 "Blues Busters" to help shake those unhappy feelings. They also discover lots of ideas they can use to talk about...
Whether kids find socializing as natural as smiling or as hard as learning a foreign language, this book can help them improve their social skills so they can better enjoy the benefits of friendship. Practical advice covers everything from breaking the ice to developing friendships to overcoming problems. True-to-life vignettes, "what would you do?" scenarios, voluminous examples, quizzes to test learning, "Try This" assignments for practicing techniques,...
Help teens make informed decisions about their health and wellness with judgment-free information about addictions.
From drugs and alcohol to pervasive use of electronic devices, more teens are exhibiting addictive behaviors. What's the Big Deal About Addictions? provides teens with lecture-free, reliable, and factual information about a range of addictions, from drugs and alcohol to electronic devices, social media, and other addictive activities,...