Amy Engel
"A twisty thriller from the beloved author of The Familiar Dark, where a woman returns to the town where her sister was murdered and finds a copycat on the loose. It's been fourteen years since Greer Dunning's older sister, Eliza, was murdered, and Greer's family has never be the same. But after the execution of the killer convicted, there's now been a similar killing back in Greer's small Kansas hometown, Ludlow. A copycat, according to the authorities,...
"A spellbinding story of a mother with nothing left to lose who sets out on an all-consuming quest for justice after her daughter is murdered on the town playground. The Familiar Dark is a story about the bonds of family, women doing the best they can for their daughters in dire circumstances, as well as a story about how even the darkest and most frightening of places can provide the comfort of home."--