Jonas Karlsson
Hilarious, profound, and achingly true to life, Jonas Karlsson's new novel explores the true nature of happiness through the eyes of a hero you won't soon forget. A passionate film buff, our hero's life revolves around his part-time job at a video store, the company of a few precious friends, and a daily routine that more often than not concludes with pizza and a movie in his treasured, small space in Stockholm. When he receives an astronomical invoice...
"The narrator of The Circus is perfectly content with his quiet life. He works at a bakery counter, and in his free time organizes (and reorganizes) his record collection. He's not up to much the day his old school friend Magnus invites him to a circus, and he's certainly not expecting the simple outing to change everything in his life. But while participating in a magic trick Magnus vanishes--completely. Struggling to piece together the events that...
"Bj�orn is a compulsive, meticulous bureaucrat who discovers a secret room at the government office where he works--a secret room that no one else in his office will acknowledge. When Bj�orn is in his room, what his co-workers see is him standing by the wall and staring off into space looking dazed, relaxed, and decidedly creepy. Bj�orn's bizarre behavior eventually leads his co-workers to try and have him fired, but Bj�orn will turn the tables...
As The Authority's newest employee, Orson finds it difficult to connect with his enigmatic desk mate, Rakesh, or any of his other colleagues. His alienation deepens when he discovers a room he's told doesn't exist, a place that unleashes his true potential, leading to an ascent up the corporate ladder. Buoyed by his newfound confidence, Orson invites a receptionist into his sanctuary, sparking a climactic clash between the corporate world's harsh...
Beck volume 4
A jaw bone found in the middle of a forest is linked to a missing persons case that Martin Beck investigated years before.