Dominic Mafham
1) Golda
On October 6th, 1973, under cover of darkness, on Israel's holiest day and during the month of Ramadan, the combined forces of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan begin a surprise attack on the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights. Outnumbered and outgunned, Israel's only female Prime Minister, Golda Meir, confronts the immediate, clear, and present danger of a ticking timebomb that she hoped never to face. Surrounded, isolated, and frustrated by the infighting...
On the darkest moon of Mars, scientists have found an ancient portal which allows teleportation throughout the universe. Considered to be mankind's greatest discovery, it's a gateway from hell, unleashing a swarm of demons looking to steal the souls of everyone who gets in their way. It's up to Lieutenant Joan Dark and an elite unit of Marines to destroy an ever-growing horde of bloodsucking and soul-stealing beasts.
It's 1957, and it's as if the world of Grantchester has returned to an idyllic state, a metaphorical Garden of Eden. Will believes that everyone can get close to their own Eden through good works and a proactive attitude. But as Geordie knows, every Eden has its snakes. Will's faith will be tested as he and Geordie are reminded that there's darkness lurking in their corner of Cambridgeshire.
The cozy villages of Midsomer County reveal their most sinister secrets in these contemporary British television mysteries inspired by the novels of Caroline Graham. Detective Chief Inspector Tom Barnaby has policed the murderous county for decades, and now he is ready to retire. In these four episodes Barnaby investigates his final cases before leaving the denizens of MIdsomer in the capable hands of his cousin, DCI John Barnaby and his partner,...
Father Brown volume 6
Lady Felicia's reckless driving lands her in the next hospital bed to Mrs. McCarthy - with a killer on the loose.