Ben McCool
Dynamite proudly presents the comic book misadventures of Grumpy Cat, featuring "The World's Grumpiest Cat" and her brother, Pokey! With her ever-present pout and sassy disposition, Grumpy Cat has won the hearts of people everywhere. Now, her unbearable cuteness and infectious sourpuss are featured in an all-new, all-sensational collection of comic stories, sure to make fans of all ages laugh! If you love the memes, the videos, and that irresistible...
The World's Grumpiest Cat -- and the world's most adorable internet sensation -- continues to delight fans of all ages with her comic book misadventures (although she's actually quite disappointed to delight anyone, of course)! Whether she gets drawn into her fun-loving brother Pokey's games of hide-and-seek, spends her afternoon daydreaming of a world without humans, or unleashes a genie from the bottle to answer her every malcontent whim, Grumpy...
ABLAZE Publishing's Grumpy Cat volume 1
The World's Grumpiest Cat -- and the world's most adorable internet sensation -- continues to delight fans of all ages. With her ever-present pout and sassy disposition, Grumpy Cat has won the hearts of people everywhere. Now, her unbearable cuteness and infectious sourpuss are featured in a collection of comic stories. If you love the memes, the videos, and that irresistible scowl, then get ready for the wildly fun antics of Grumpy Cat. Her comic...
Grumpy Cat volume 7
Grumpy Cat, the internet's cutest curmudgeon, takes the world by storm with her comic book misadventures! You'll laugh yourself silly at the killjoy kitten's hilarious brand of sass, most often directed at her fun-loving, big-hearted brother Pokey. They're two cats that are too adorable for words, one with a childlike wonder, and the other with a pout so prominent, you can't help but to exclaim, "Awwwwww...!" What fun-loving escapades will Pokey dream...
DC's greatest superheroes team up to defend Earth against unpredictably dark, ancient, and mystical forces! Facing off against Dr. Destiny, ancient evils, demons, and other supernatural threats isn't easy. This collection features the iconic core members of the Justice League as they enlist the help of an expanded roster featuring Stargirl, Deadman, Blue Devil, Doctor Fate, Zatanna, and more to take action against the dark, magical forces of the DC...