Stephanie True Peters
5) Soccer hero
Accelerated Reader
IL: MG - BL: 4.4 - AR Pts: 2
Rob lasher is just and ordinary soccer player, good at the game, but not great. Then one afternoon, he saves his coach's life in front of all his teammates. Suddenly, he's the team's hero. as some members of his team and the rest of the town continue to laud Rob's heroic act, Rob realizes he doesn't want the attention and any unearned accolades that come with it. Kids will learn that doing what is right should be the norm, not the exception.
Accelerated Reader
IL: MG - BL: 7.9 - AR Pts: 3
Describes the history of smallpox in the Americas, covering the arrival of the Spanish as carriers, its spread throughout the New World, the development of the smallpox vaccine, the elimination of the disease, and its potential use as a terrorist weapon.