Falcon Press
Summary of Steven Pinker's Enlightenment Now is a bold defense for the ideas that serve as the foundation for the modern world, as well as an expansive discussion of how those ideas are continuing to make the world a better place for humanity. Although most were developed in the eighteenth century, the ideas of the Enlightenment are still as relevant today as they were when they first emerged…
Summary of Norman Doidge's The Brain That Changes Itself explores breakthroughs in neuroscience regarding plasticity, or the brain's ability to change. Doidge shares inspiring stories of the work done by what he calls "neuroplasticians"-neuroscientists who are pioneering new methods for optimizing brain function...
Summary of Sheelah Kolhatkar's Black Edge is a nonfiction legal thriller about the US government's attempt to take down billionaire hedge fund manager Steven A. (Steve) Cohen for insider trading, as well as a look at the ways in which much of Wall Street evades the law.
For decades, hedge funds in the United States followed a fairly careful investment strategy: funds would estimate which public companies would do well in the future and invest in those...
Summary of Stephen Hawking's Brief Answers to the Big Questions presents the thoughts of theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking on 10 major scientific and philosophical debates, including whether a deity exists, whether intelligent life exists in space, and whether humans should seek out a new home outside of Earth. Hawking, who spent his life studying how black holes could help scientists better understand the universe's beginnings,...
Buy now to get the key takeaways from John C. Maxwell's Developing The Leader Within You 2.0.
Sample Key Takeaways:
1) Although the subject was overlooked in the '90s, people have come to realize the importance of leadership and the life-altering effect it has.
2) People make all kinds of wrong assumptions when it comes to developing leadership. Everyone can be a leader, it's just a matter of who is willing to put in the effort to become one.
Buy now to get the key takeaways from Brian Tracy's No Excuses.
Sample Key Takeaways:
1) Before seeking success, you must know yourself and what your ideal future looks like. Define your own idea of what success is.
2) Success is not about luck. It can be predicted and achieved through actions. Many successful people started out poor. The basic principle is that nature does not play favorites. You reap what you sow, so putting in the hard work will...
Buy now to get the key takeaways from Annie F. Downs's That Sounds Fun.
Sample Key Takeaways:
1) As we grow older, we start to feel something lacking. We begin feeling as though we have lost something along the way, and sometimes this feeling persists through everything we do. Although we laugh, our hearts are weary.
2) We feel as though we lost something because we have gone through experiences that take us away from Eden. As youngsters, we were...
Summary of Johann Hari's Chasing the Scream is a history and evaluation of the war on drugs first launched by the United States in the 1930s.
The anti-drug campaign, which began long before Richard Nixon launched the official War on Drugs in 1971, was supposedly meant to put an end to widespread narcotics use in the United States…
Summary of Brian Kilmeade's Andrew Jackson and the Miracle of New Orleans is a sensationalized historical account of the most decisive battle of the War of 1812, a conflict often called America's "Second War of Independence." Andrew Jackson came of age during the Revolutionary War and lost his mother and brother during the fight…
Buy now to get the key takeaways from Jeff Benedict's Tiger Woods.
Sample Key Takeaways:
1) On Friday, November 27, 2009, Tiger Woods's life changed forever. His downfall would be one of the harshest ever witnessed.
2) On that night, while he was sleeping, his suspicious wife went through his phone and discovered he had been cheating on her. He woke up to her screaming and fled his house, barely dressed.