Jay Russell
A sweeping epic rooted in one of the most enduring and intriguing legends of our time. Set in the desolate landscape of the Scottish Highlands during World War II, The Water Horse tells the story of Angus, a 12-year old boy who anxiously awaits the return of his father who is serving in the military overseas. Spending his days exploring the shores of a nearby loch, he stumbles across a mysterious egg. Taking it home he watches as the egg hatches into...
3) Ladder 49
Probationary firefighter Jack Morrison matures into a seasoned veteran of the Baltimore Fire Department under the watchful eye of his mentor Chief Mike Kennedy. Responding to the worst blaze in his career, he becomes trapped inside a 20-story building. As Jack reflects on his life - seeing his first fire, bonding with fellow firefighters, the impact his job has had on his wife and kids - Chief Kennedy frantically coordinates the effort to save Jack's...
Present day Scotland. A tale is told to a couple of American tourists by a kindly gentleman in a pub. Angus is a lonely boy who pines for his father, who is serving in the Royal Navy during World War II. Angus, along with his sister and mother, live on an estate that has been billeted by soldiers in the Scottish Highlands, near Loch Ness. The troop's commander has an eye for mom, is suspicious about a mysterious handyman, Lewis, who is also a war...
A dark Evil settles upon the small town of Goshen, unleashing a hellish collection of monsters and demons, meanwhile taking control of a once wholesome young man turning him into a vicious serial killer. BLACK SPARROW is the story of a father's undying love for his son, a community overwhelmed by a wickedness it cannot comprehend, and a conspiracy to cross generations devised in Hell itself.
See a world of Marvels through fresh eyes. A quarter of a century ago, writer Kurt Busiek and painter Alex Ross gave you a new perspective on your heroes with the groundbreaking, Marvels. Now Busiek invites some of the industry's most distinctive voices to do it all over again. Featuring stories set throughout the history of the House of Ideas, starring the everyday people living in the age of the extraordinary, these are the Marvels Snapshots!
The Water Horse is a sweeping epic rooted in one of the most enduring and intriguing legends of our time. Set in the desolate landscape of the Scottish Highlands during World War II, The Water Horse tells the story of Angus, a 12-year old boy who anxiously awaits the return of his father who is serving in the military overseas. Spending his days exploring the shores of a nearby loch, he stumbles across a mysterious egg. Taking it home he watches as...