"A stunning Golden Age Archive featuring the adventures of Captain Marvel, Jr. and the origin of Mary Marvel from Master Comics 23-32, Captain Marvel Jr. #1 and Captain Marvel Avcentures #18! Plus, a foreword by comics historian P.C. Hamerlinck."--Publisher's Website.
The wisdom of Solomon. The strength of Hercules. The stamina of Atlas. The power of Zeus. The courage of Achilles. The speed of Mercury. Put them together and they spell ... SHAZAM! By speaking that magic word, newsboy Billy Batson was instantly transformed into the incredible Captain Marvel, The World's Mightiest Mortal ... and one of the most popular comic book heroes of the 1940s Golden Age of Comics.
In 1940, DC Comics had a radical idea: what if a group of super-heroes banded together to fight threats too great for any one of them to handle alone? Thus was born the Justice Society of America, featuring Green Lantern, Hawkman, Wonder Woman, and many others. These colorful tales set a standard for superhero teams that's still followed today.
"Re-Presenting from the Silver Age of comics-the adventures of Captain Atom, Blue Beetle and The Question by Steve Ditko.--Back cover, vol. 2.
"Steve Ditko ascended into the realm of comic book legends as the co-creator (with writer/editor Stan Lee) ... [of] Spider-Man ... before and after his work on Marvel's famous web-slinger, Ditko made comics history with a short-lived series of titles from Charlton Publishing ... the Action Heroes line ......